VO TORTI PATTHAR : LAST PART. DEATH: THE SILENCE OF THE LOST SOUL. It was afternoon and the hot stingy breeze was blowing ferociously through the entire terrain, I was just sitting on the chair and fall asleep, and had a dream. I was on the top of a cliff and was looking at the rising sun. Oh wish I were a rising sun! Well the scenery in front of me was marvellous.there was a hamlet there. And a little boy was flying a kite there with his friends. The kites were coming together and getting apart like they were having a beautiful love story where people meet and get apart and again meet. The boys started chucking after looking at me. They were having unfathomable happiness. I felt embarrassed and moved back. All of the sudden something made sound and I woke up. And I just looked out of the window to scrutinize. It was really hot outside. And I saw the old women again.uff the woman was still engaged with her work. I finally decided to ...
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