part 1
A story .. but not like the chicken soup :)
A Tree, It has a very simple name that is well known and
easily can be recognize that at what topic a person is
pointing out.. That is a very simple but essential thing for
our life that is a tree:). well how small a 4 letter word its
seems to be but how important its seems to be as it gives us
life in other way and as can be directly said it gives us life
....n as a car need fuel to run.. As a computer need
electricity or battery to perform same as it gives us Oxygen
to live..:) with out it we can’t live for more than a few
second.. But how often we think of this before cutting it
severely?? Does we?? And should we?? well a tree not only
gives us wood to make shelter or any usable goods but it
protect cutting soil and prevent flood to come or rise in any
particular or in a wide range.... well a tree can be of
anything,,, it can be a mango tree or a banana tree or it can
be any other in thousands name and types of it,,,, even a tree
has thousand types that gives us a wide range of flowers..
fruits ...and even wood...but are we human being of many types
or does human being provide any thing to nature or to any
other species ,,except creating high level of pollution and
exploitation in domestic level or high level of terrorism...
God has made more than million of living animals, from a
micro virus to humongous creature..all has got changes since
they got existence in this world to adapt them selves in a new
circumtance..think God knew that human gonna make this world
hell:) the nature starts getting change the living and
non living creature also getting change itself according to
the nature ... but human being got extreme change ,,and got
to learn culture and civilisation..but he effect of all this
culture and costume has got inverse to the world of peace
..and its result can be seen by eyes...
Well change the topic man… Let me give u my intro .. hmm my
name is Tree, I have branches, steams , leaves ,, but only one
root.. that is me ,, well am called a tree ,, don’t know who
has suggested this name .. Who gave me this name.. But NAAM
ME KYA RAKHHA HAI BHAII.. Any one can have any name like in my
nabour a blind man has a name NAYANSUKH.. And the poorest
Handicapped man having has the name SUKHWANT but he is far
away from all the SUKH..
Well I will tell you my story .. I assume you are expecting
a formal introduction first, first, being just another
ordinary tree it’s difficult for me to comprehend why anyone
would be interested in the story of my life. But I have heard
from a little girl who was playing on my roots that, “The key
of happiness is to share your emotions, comprehend your
thoughts and present your views in front of everyone”:) , I
can tell you it’s a great feeling to be on this Earth , in
touch of the great soil of this world (I don’t know in which
country I am but I do know I am on this Earth with all my
siblings and relatives and their tree friends, we don’t have
any border not even in feelings on in heart so our country is
the whole world ) . Even when children climb on my branches
and scare me by plucking my leaves, I love their innocence.
Did you believe that?
Let me tell you not so entertaining life story of mine,
It all began when I reached my teens , again pardon me for my
ignorance but I really do not remember my age , I might be 70
or 80 .. humm... I Don’t be amazed , I am good at mathematics
too , The free education classes in this tiny place(might be
village) held beneath my roots have made me the most educated
tree in entire neighborhood . So as u see, I am 70 or 80 years
old and still single, and that is what my problem is. Those
biology geeks proved long time back that we trees have life
embedded in us too, but they forgot to tell the world, we have
emotions. We want love, I know you must be very confused
having read all your life about vegetative and non vegetative
reproduction (Don’t be shocked again), School teaches biology
I am love deprived. I seek love of any form, I mean the way
you love your mother, the way you love your sister, or your
neighbor, any form would do.
I hope I explained myself to you, so that is my problem. The
solution to which is not known but the entire story is
something I would love to explain to you in detail. Without
knowing the entire cause of my problem, it would be very
difficult for you to solve it.. As I said I am Love deprived.
I have seen love, I have experienced love but now that it’s
gone I tend to seek it in everyone and everything around Me.,
before we get emotional let me tell you how it began. I
remember being visited by the most beautiful little bird.. I
loved the way she used to climb on the top of my branches and
sing for me. She would stay with and talk to me every day, it
was a beautiful period of my life , golden period as they
say, one day it rained very heavily , many trees were
uprooted . I am sorry to say I lost 3 of my tree friend too in
that heavy rain and storm, all I did was to make sure she was
safe inside her nest without any fear . my care for her would
be broken.
Three days that storm last and for three days I did not move
for a second,. She sang for hours, day or night, anytime I
wanted a song out of her, she made sure I heard it. She once
was sick with a flu, Don’t worry it wasn’t a bird flu so
when she was sick with flu I always made sure that she could
get the breeziest of air by letting off my branches, by
letting the wind brush against her face I made sure she got
better in no time. And then one fine day, she was gone, just
like that. I woke up one early morning after a night of carbon
dioxide release to realize she was gone. And poor me, as you
know I can’t even move. That was the day, I was stuck with my
roots firmly standing on the ground and couldn’t move to
search her. I waited with my eyes searching the skies for any
presence of her but she never existed, or maybe she never
cared ..
My problem is I am in love with her. My problem is after she
left I could never accept the fact that she was gone, gone for
no reason, gone without a mistake of mine.
It’s not that I never tried to move on, don’t mind, after a
few Hollywood movies I adapt this (as I watch TV through the
window near by me ). So I tried to move on, I let a nice
cuckoo set up her nest on my same branch, but I could never
give my cuckoo the protection she deserved, she wanted and
expected it from me, it’s not that I didn’t want to, but
everything I wanted to do for her reminded me of that little
bird., all the time, and being afraid of the fact that I was
going to hurt the cuckoo so I let her go. She could never
understand me, she cried till the last minute hoping me to
change my decision but I didn’t have the strength. I couldn’t
cheat with her. Now it’s been 6 years with my tender love
with the little bird and a year with that cuckoo, as you can
see it’s a complex situation. I don’t feel like letting a bird
build a nest in my home anymore, this year I drew a lot of
them away. They call me a snob as I have come to know.
I have begun to fear the emotion now,. I am emotionally
drenched damn.., I want to live but I can’t , I want to give
and share my care but I can’t , I want someone special in my
life someone I can care for but I have no one because I never
know when they will run away or if I will drive them away. I
have become a recluse, I hardly talk to any bird, I don’t let
them sit on my branches and sing. I shake vigorously and scare
them away whenever a bird comes close of getting attached to
me, I am scared of attachments and I am scared of love.
I will never know the fault, where was I wrong I have no
clue., I know one thing for sure that I want to care and to be
cared but I am scared. I have in me a deep sense of
helplessness, because I know I want to do things,. But have
lost the faith and trust in myself.
So, that is my Problem..
The sound of The TV in the backside was annoying me now, and
all I wished right now is to ignore the claustrophobic sound.
Hey I have seen the little girl has planted a small little
delicate plant near by me .“We can be the best of friends.
After 5 months it started talking .ohh she is an Orphan. no
problem I am giving all the tender care that she needs in this
childhood days. We became very good friends in a very short
span of time, Very close and always trying to figure out all
the good and a part of the evil that’s with the world. She was
different, had a unique thought process, our actions that
affect us and the presence of any other individual in our
life, She believed that we tend to forget our inner strength
and get hurt or upset over things when the best thing we
All of the sudden I heard a noises, cheers they were I
assumed and I opened my eyes. I was. I opened my eyes to happy
faces all around me; the eyes reflected the presence of a new
hope, a new soul in their life. In their eyes I saw glimpses
of expectations, expectations for me, and of their future with
me.that was the same little bird.. I was looking at the face
which was radiant, a face which reflected care,. I experienced
bliss, I had waited long enough to see the world but never had
I expected it to be as calm and pleasing as it was. My
thoughts were broken by a tear dropping on to my cheek… it
made me feel secure , I was lucky , lucky to be in a world
where everyone care for me . felt the strength, the strength
, a strength I knew would guide me all through my life , a
hand which will help me to differentiate right from wrong ,
good from evil ., bringing a sense of responsibility as she
became a mother of 2 kids , I knew she was happy just to hold
me .. ."The world was providential to have me with them , and
I knew I have so much time with me to talk , to connect , to
echo my words , to speak " I said to myself and smiled..
will write the second part very soon... do keep commenting:)