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Showing posts from April, 2010


 Vo torte patther part 2 .. SHE AND THE STONES ,PART 2:)     It’s a man`s world That poor old women is still keep on doing her work, after being faint she took  a sip of water and again she started throwing hammer on that hard stone. Well the stone was not hard enough or the will of getting some pittance was harder than the hardness of the stone. The stone is not looking like the same as it was looking before an hour, it became pebbles. All of the sudden her owner came and just started shouting just because she was working a bit slow. If the same work the master had to do, he would not even pull the hammer that is the truth, but who care about the other? .well its late night and now am going for the bike race (the guy’s game :) )  After reaching home suddenly the phone rang, ops my 2nd girl friend is calling me :P .(well people can’t handle one, and I am having …. Count nahi kiya yar(haven’t counted) )  I picked the phone and heard her sweet voice- ...
Reminiscence The smile of a sweet little girl :) There was a gal, sweet, innocent bubbly, jolly, and just like a new born baby. Well all the sweet little gal of her age (7 year old) are like her. And she was not at all different from the other gals of her age, but what makes her so special that It made me to write this story was her smile. She was having the world’s most beautiful smile that I can bet if you disagree with me. That Pandora’s Box was so jolly and so innocent that her smile only could make a crying person laugh. She plays the all-enveloping role. She is magnanimous but not composed:).she is fantabulous.  she was having a dream like mind, her innocence was quintessence, her foolish ideas always make all laugh, some time she put me in quandary that is she a little kid or a quick fix as she was always having solution of all problems no matter she is aware about it or not. Well she is a kid who never thinks of consequence but only solutions :).because of her ideas I f...