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 Vo torte patther part 2 .. SHE AND THE STONES ,PART 2:)
    It’s a man`s world
That poor old women is still keep on doing her work, after being faint she took  a sip of water and again she started throwing hammer on that hard stone. Well the stone was not hard enough or the will of getting some pittance was harder than the hardness of the stone. The stone is not looking like the same as it was looking before an hour, it became pebbles. All of the sudden her owner came and just started shouting just because she was working a bit slow. If the same work the master had to do, he would not even pull the hammer that is the truth, but who care about the other? .well its late night and now am going for the bike race (the guy’s game :) )
 After reaching home suddenly the phone rang, ops my 2nd girl friend is calling me :P .(well people can’t handle one, and I am having …. Count nahi kiya yar(haven’t counted) )  I picked the phone and heard her sweet voice- hii sam :)
Hii sweetheart  I replied. Oops problem, at the same time my third girlfriend is calling me..Hey sweety my mom is calling me I said to the first one and hanged the phone and picked the call of the  other :) .. Hii sweetheart I said, oops she was angry because I had forgotten to take her to Barista. It’s our favorite cafeteria .sorry darling I said and  hanged the phone after giving a kiss over the phone, (chaloo chutti mili I thought )
And I went online and had chat with sweet gals and downloaded a movie LSD. Love sex and dokha the funda of all guys? , love ek se karo, sex second se ,and dokha third ko do :P.  Well it’s a men’s world after all, sab chalta hai :P
 Next morning I went to my favorite cafeteria barista with my first girlfriend ,yes she had left me because she got to know that I was cheating on her, but after kept on trying ,and calling her again and again she agreed to meet me up in person .the weather was nice ,the sky is over cast with the clouds .what a beautiful morning today!. Well while walking just saw that woman again.oh she was busy in the same task that she was doing yesterday. Today I decided to talk to her  and just went towards her. She even did not look at me. It seems she is not interested talking to me. She felt she is better with the work she is doing.
Well I went to her and asked if she needs any help (money) she replied that she is not a beggar. She can feed her children ,she is capable enough and does not need any kind of help. Wow I liked her spirit. No matter how much she has to work, how long does she work, and how much hard work she has to do, she is happy with it. she is having self respect.that`s like an Indian women. An Indian woman is all-enveloping,magnanimous,versatile,unpretentious,composed,and empathetic, at par. She always walk shoulder to shoulder in any kind of circumstance .I thank to God for making loving ,caring creature (women),otherwise kya hota is zalim duniya ka ?.
 Well I started walking and reached barista finally. But bad luck, not to speak of talking  she did not even look toward me. Probably because she knows every inch of mine. Sad she was the most gorgeous girlfriend I had. But what to do all the mistakes were mine. She was always right and had no fault. And I can not change myself? .sad ending, but no problem I am having more gals in life :D. And she will always be in my memories. I remember when I was in the hospital she gave me her blood, she was there every second with having food, sleep and makeup too ?. Well what to do, its better to move on. Well being a kamina guy my next move is to chase a new gal :D. but you know what, I always scare of one thing she had told me that whatever you did with me if one day any guy do the same thing with your sister then what will you do?:( .
Yar I feel sorry, but I can not help it ? .
 I came back with sad mood and again I saw the same woman doing the same thing without taking and break. I was really feeling respect for her now.


  1. hey! is this really d second part of vo torte patthar? if so then i think u lost the plot..........its an honest comment may be i m wrong in ur sense so hav a look again n complete it

  2. it was a sweet break from the seriousness, will write rest of the thing in the third n last post:) thanks 4 the comment :)


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