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 eucatastrophe (second part).

2nd day in the college was awesome. But I got to know about an incident that happened yesterday’s night at my college. Kriss, a local thief, entered in the girl’s hostel. However, he dint come for other reason but to rob. As he wasn't adept at theft in half way through the robbery he got caught.. The guard arrived and caught him at the gate of our campus. And a case lodge against kriss.. They chained kriss up so that he wouldn't get away. kriss obviously couldn't raft as he had been chained. We saw him bleeding badly and were utterly exhausted
 It’s true that it was his fault but isn’t the government also responsible for this? Am not talking about the security of us as it’s almost impossible to wish for it but about the poverty and unemployment. kriss was an MBA. And after spending lakhs of bugs and after working so hard what he got in quid pro quo (in return )? He has to rob to look after his family .isn’t government responsible for his miserable condition? What about the commoner in India who are living in lower middle class families? Is there any quota for a poor ragged Brahman in India? Only loopholes are surviving in the system. Maundering politicians do zilch for the country; the brutal acts of corruption have left an indelible mark on every facet of daily life. Every so often I wonder where this world is headed.

 True that kriss studied in IIP* (dare to think beyond IIMS :P) so he couldn’t get any job coz that institute was fake. shouldn’t government ban this kind of institute and take action against them? The golconda of IIP* and this kind of institute is to cheat students and suck their blood like a leech.
 What kriss has got after pursuing an MBA from there? His life is worse than a stray dog although he was above an average student. As the police chained kriss, should not the government do the same with the institute which claim to make student’s life better and they actually make it worse  .....

 As a result of this experience, I started thinking what’s next. Well I can’t change anything just by thinking or reacting just like any other individual on the earth. Oh leave it... I have so many problems in my own life. I don’t want to be the second ``NERO`` (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus ).  Am already walking on the same path and becoming slacker. I don’t want the same end of my life. 

 And yeah I must say AMI is the biggest disaster in my life. Every morning that rooster makes me mad throughout the college. The behavior of hogs and stray dogs near the college remind me Ami. he always pussyfoots around me and tries to eavesdrop. I guess the feeling of attraction is getting fade now. May be because of extra conversation or interaction or may be because of his behavior or last but not the least because am busy or getting attracted towards someone else  (ABHI )the guy I met just by chance. Probably I need to watch `BREAK KE BAAD`, hehehe.

 Well ABHI is sweet, innocent, bubbly, jolly, but a little naughty GUY. His innocence is quintessence, I met him last night in a party however I know him for some months through internet. In the party there was music and a sea of people undulated to the music. There were guys who were flashing an alluring smile.huh you know guys ... they started to parade in front of me..Uff who cares. Then I saw ABHI  who was looking despondent, He recognized me and came towards me but unfortunately I dint recognize him. I meet so many guys every day, it’s not possible to remember everyone’s face or name.

 I found him very talented. He taught me playing guitar and we did salsa together. Seriously I am still thinking about the dance we did together.oh am getting attracted towards him. Strange, I know nothing about him and getting attracted,and I know AMI since my childhood days but still am confused about his nature. I don’t want to hurt AMI but how can I know. He never told me anything .whatever AMI is eccentric and too good to handle. on the other hand ABHI is more charming, proactive and innocent.

Next day I told AMI about my feelings for Abhi.he suggested me to wait as guys are less trustworthy.he told me that everything that exists in the physical world is the result of the un manifest transforming itself into the manifest.  Silence means making a commitment to take a certain amount of time to simply be. Do u understand the silence ? have you ever judge anything without getting partial? Sometimes what you see is Just a smoke in the mirror. Sometimes you see what u want to or feel like to see.   ..  Sometimes what hurts you is not really bad for you.
first time in life I felt AMI has a SUBCONSCIOUS mind. He always take my side in time of exigency. He helps me in shaking the dysphoria. But he likes me or not is still a question. Why he never show seriousness. Is he a dark horse? Is he equally deserving or not? Whatever is there he is my best friend and will always be. And friendship and love is two totally different feelings and I should not mess it up.

 While thinking about all this I got a call. Oh that’s my sweet close friend BRINDA. She is in the hospital. She is going to be a single mother. No no …neither  she got divorce not she was molested . but she got married an NRI guy before nine months. And just after the marriage the culprit guy  left her alone at the airport...
Before I could arrive the hospital BRINDA got died. And now am going to look after the little infant. I will give the child my name. I don’t care about the world. Let people say what they like to. Let the dogs bark. The child is going to be `THE MIRACULOUS TRANSFORMATION OF MY FATE `.he will change my world and the world around me. Now I have a reason to live and fight. And I am going to search the culprit guy  to punish him. He is not only responsible for the death of BRINDA but for ruining her family by talking all the money and land as dowry.

I thought to take help of ABHI but he told me not to get involved in all this crap. what kind of guy is he?!!. its impregnable for me  and he says all this is a crap.its GROTESQUE. what to do in this IMBROGLIO.  All of the sudden AMI rushed there. without calling he came. this is called the true friendship. we went to the flat of BRINDA to get some information about that culprit guy. after seeing their picture I got shocked. I cant believe this. the guy was no one else but ABHI,  ABHI AND BRINDA??/...  I CANT BELIEVE THIS. ABHI  was that culprit guy. I cant believe this. I liked a guy who is the reason of my friend’s death ,who ruined the life of an innocent girl.

knowing the truth is like stepping off the cliff. I don’t know how to give justice to my dead friend BINDRA. how to get through the crashing waves, smoky clouds and billowing winds in life. the practicalities of life grounded me.
 Thanks to AMI.  he helped me in all the way of life. and because of AMI the culprit got the punishment he deserve. and I am left with the little infant and his father.  no no ..not that culprit, its AMI. he told me just because donating sperm one cant be a father. he is not the biological father of the child but the way he loves the baby make him the real father.
   Am also not a biological mother of the baby but I am sure that we will be one of the best parents in the world....  hum, now we are trying to google the name of the child. hehehehe

  THE END :)


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