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I was walking down the street and found a little plant that I didn’t recognize. It was completely neglected by people, perhaps due to its size or because no one bothered to look at it. It was completely dried up from the scorching sunny day and was dying. Luckily,I had a water bottle in my hand so i decided to give the plant little water. I kept on watering it for a week, And after that week, there was a beautiful colourful flower. it has an iridescent appearance. I was in a dilemma about whether to pluck it or not because I had been giving it water every day and observing its growth, just like a mother feeds and cares for her children. I never allowed street children to touch my precious plant. It was a Sui generis (unique) feeling for me. Everything was so pleasant. However, the next day when I went to give it water, the plant was not there. Oh... Did an animal eat it?

I started shrieking. Then a street boy came and told me that someone has taken my plant because its flowers were extra- ordinary. I never allowed anyone to touch my flower and someone has taken not only the flower but the whole plant. Why so?

Then my friend overheard me, and said...``dear, if you are in love with something and you are taking care of it, does not mean it will be with you always``....nothing lasts forever, Just live it. Nature dictates that we all are born to die... that’s nature. Leave something on GOD... Hope for the best and expect the worst to come, `meeting and parting` this is called life. Always expect the black ox to come when it’s the time of prosperity.

after taking the advice, I went home directly. Being a human being, I was not able to accept the fact, so I thought to watch some good pirate movies on my laptop.:) While enjoying this mildly entertaining cinematic experience on my laptop, I suddenly noticed that there were a couple of uninvited guest looking on from their balcony seats. We all know this inappropriate habit of inviting guest, where they make themselves a little too comfortable. Well, these two guests took inappropriateness to a whole new level. They sat on my balcony and engaged in what can only be called an extremely extravagant excretory endeavor. Before you conjure up some grotesque imagery, let me clarify that I am talking about the envy of every crow and pigeons.

Instead of welcoming me in the neighborhood with chirps and convivial coos, these pigeons decided to beautify my balcony with such an enormous quantity of faeces that I was fully convinced they had had some mughlai food for lunch. Enraged by this exhibition of impropriety, i headed towards them to shoo them away. Hardly after five minutes had passed when one new member of the disgusting duo reappeared.

I kept my temper in check, believing that they couldn’t do further damage since he and his buddy had just taken the dump of the decade. But I learned that you should never pigeonhole a pigeon. He started his second inning. I ran towards him armed with a shoo so terrifying that a normal bird would have required a trauma counselor after that. But meanwhile, my phone rang. I headed back, took a deep breath, and tried to calm myself down. With ardor, I heard the sexy voice of a guy. It was no less than a blessing for me in that state of mind. But damn, it was my gal friend who had a cough and cold!


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